Goodwood Theatre and Studios
0401 066 339


empowering young people to make positive change

Q: What should they wear?

A: Something loose and comfortable, flat-closed shoe or barefoot ideally

Q: What should they bring?

A: Water bottle, fruit if snack required

Q: Where is it?

A: Goodwood Theatre & Studios on the Corner of Goodwood Road and Victoria Street, diagonally across from the Capri Theatre

Q: Where do we park?

A: Street parking available and dedicated drop off parking at front doors of theatre

Q: Will someone be there if I drop off?

A: The studio will be open and a tutor will be there 10mins prior to classes commencing. Once students have arrived in the studio there will be no reason for them to exit the space until a parent/guardian arrives to collect them

Q: What if our child needs to go to the bathroom?

A: There is a bathroom in the studio which only the participants use

Q: Can parents, family members or friends watch the workshops?

A: Parents, family members and friends are not permitted during the workshop, however at the end of the 10wk program there is an in-studio presentation for audience members and an end of year performance in the theatre

Q: What can we do while workshops are in progress?

A: There are loads of cafes and shops on Goodwood Road, playgrounds and the Goodwood Library close by. You are also most welcome to stay at the theatre, we have a cosy foyer area and facilities you are welcome to use

Q: What happens in case of an emergency?

A: Our tutors have First Aid and CPR training and rigorous training in Evacuation and Emergency Procedures and take the safety and wellbeing of your child seriously

Q: Do we need to pay before the workshop?

A: Yes, payment must be paid in full and received before the workshop commences to secure your position. Any concerns with payment please contact us

Q: What happens if we forget to pay before the workshop?

A: Payment must be received for your child to enter the workshop unless previous arrangements have been made

Q: What will our child receive on completion of the course?

A: All students who complete the 10wk course will receive a certificate of participation and if involved in the end of year performance will receive a certificate of performance

Q: Are your workshops suitable for all children?

A: Yes, all children are most welcome. We have experience in working with children requiring additional support and care.

Q: Why should my child be involved?

A: GRiT Studio Collective not only creates a fun, creative and vibrant space where your child will grow and develop, it is also a family, a community where young people will form friendships and bonds with new and likeminded people.